Pilot project for economic empowerment and care services for women

The Rural Women's Development Society is working on a one-year pilot project that addresses the barriers women face

in economic participation. This project is implemented in partnership with the Palestinian Working Women Development Society (PWWSD) and funded by Oxfam Novib. The first component of the project seeks to conduct a rapid analysis study of unpaid care services provided by women to understand the time women spend in this unpaid work. The results of this study are used to find solutions for women that save them time. The second component of the project is the strategic support for four women's cooperatives formed by the Association for the Development of Rural Women in the villages of: Wadi Fukin, Jama'in, Barqa and Farkha. This support includes providing grants for the purchase of materials needed for production, providing training to raise the level of women's skills, as well as providing support in packaging and marketing.

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تواصل معنا

نحن ملتزمون بتزويدك بالإجابات التي تحتاجها ، عندما تحتاج إليها ، يرجى الاتصال بنا باستخدام هذا النموذج أدناه .


الماصيون, رام الله, فلسطين
عمارة صابات, شارع إدورد سعيد


+972 2 2964585/6
02 - 2964585/6



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Mo- Th: 9AM to 4PM
Sa: 9AM to 4PM