What does home base mean?

What does home base mean?

Did you know that women spend 3 times the time that men spend in caring domestic work, and they provide many domestic care services to family members and the local community, such as taking care of children, the elderly, and the sick, in addition to washing dishes, preparing food, cleaning the house, and many others?

(Time Use Survey, 2012/2013, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics)

Domestic and care work is all services that are produced and consumed free of charge within the family, whether it is related to home care work, such as cooking, cleaning, preparing and serving meals, purchasing household supplies, caring for and raising children, caring for sick and elderly family members, and so on.
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الماصيون, رام الله, فلسطين
عمارة صابات, شارع إدورد سعيد


+972 2 2964585/6
02 - 2964585/6



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