
Since 2009, RWDS has formed and continues to work with 6 women's cooperatives in the West Bank that manufacture products that are marketed under the name Hakoura (
... Read more

About us

The Rural Women’s Development Society has a strong and significant presence of the rural community base, with a network of more than 3,000 members distributed over 56 wom ... Read more

Our Vision

Equality between women and men, girls and boys in the Palestinian countryside, in line with the Declaration of Independence and international agreements and standards.

Our Mission.

RWDS seeks to create a feminist movement in the Palestinian countryside capable of demanding and developing women's social, economic and political rights.

Our Strategic Objectives

RWDS has completed its strategic plan for the years 2019-2023, in line with its mission and objectives.

RWDS was distinguished - and still is - by its rural ... Read more

Announcing the extension of the application period for temporary job o ...

Within the project: Emergency social protection to confront the Corona pandemic (Covid-19) in the West Bank and Gaza Read more


Our Vision

Equality between women and men, girls and boys in the Palestinian countryside, in line with the Declaration of Independence and international agreements and standards.

Our Mission.

RWDS seeks to create a feminist movement in the Palestinian countryside capable of demanding and developing women's social, economic and political rights.

Women's clubs - Tulkarem and Qalqilya Governments

Beit Led, Der al ghoson, Ateel, Jayous, Kofor Abosh, Kofor tholth, Qafen, Sayda, Shofa ,Ertah , Ema Teen


Step into our tender page—a gateway to collaboration. Explore opportunities, submit proposals, and join us in shaping the future. With transparency and excellence, we inv ... Read more

Price Quotations




Watch.. Gender Equality in the Workplace

Watch.. Gender Equality in the Workplace Read more

Pilot project for economic empowerment and care se ...

The Rural Women's Development Society is working o ...

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Project: Promoting the political participation of ...

Funded by: PAZ con Dignidad and Asturias Agency fo ...

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Project: "Strengthening and building the capacitie ...

Funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs C ...

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Women's clubs - Jenin and tubas Governments

Tubas, Sanour, Methalon, Jalboun Dir abu deef, Beit Qad, Bardalah, Anen , Anzah ,

Our Values

Justice and bias towards the most marginalized and disadvantaged.




Volunteering. ... Read more

Women's Clubs

women's clubs are at the heart of our business. Since 1987, RWDS has established 60 clubs across all geographic areas of the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip that provid ... Read more

Women's clubs - Tulkarem and Qalqilya Governments

Beit Led, Der al ghoson, Ateel, Jayous, Kofor Abosh, Kofor tholth, Qafen, Sayda, Shofa ,Ertah , Ema Teen

Women's clubs - Jenin and tubas Governments

Tubas, Sanour, Methalon, Jalboun Dir abu deef, Beit Qad, Bardalah, Anen , Anzah ,

Women's clubs - Nablus and Salfit Governments

Sabastya, Jamaeen, Burqa, Beit Foreek, Beit Dajan , Farkha


RWDS operates within three programmatic areas: economic empowerment, political and social participation, and violence reduction. These programs and affiliated activities were developed by analyzing the association's past experiences and reviewing the current needs of women in rural areas, with the direct participation of women in local communities where women's clubs ...

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Rural Women Development Association brochure

A brochure contains information about the association, its vision and mission, as well as its goals and activities Read more


Board of Directors

Randa Zain
– Chairperson of the Board of Directors

Laila Khashan
– Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors

Hilda Issa
– Trea ... Read more

Board of Directors

- Randa Abed Rabo/Zain Chairperson
- Laila Khashan Vice – President in Gaza Strip
- Hilda Issa ... Read more

Women's clubs - Nablus and Salfit Governments

Sabastya, Jamaeen, Burqa, Beit Foreek, Beit Dajan , Farkha

Olive oil soap, pickles and muqaddas (pickled eggp ...

Olive oil soap, pickles and muqaddas (pickled eggp ...

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Honey, honey candies, organic herbs, herbal oils a ...

RWDS products are projects that we support and mon ...

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Mushroom salad

Freekeh (roasted green wheat), bulgur and mushroom ...

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Donors and Partners


• Drosos
• Oxfam Novib
• The Swedish Organization for Individual Relief
• The Australian Government
• The Swedish Internatio ... Read more

Women's clubs - Middle Area

Yabrood, Qarawa bani zaid, Mazaree al Nobani, Beit Anan, Aroura, Al jeeb

Our Membership

Youth and Volunteering

Dear reader... dear reader

RWDS pays great attention to the youth group (of both gender), as it considers them t ... Read more


1 Haneen Abu Fares - General Director

2 Rulla Sarras - Director of Fundraising and Development

3 Lana Muallem - Administrativ ... Read more

Success stories

Success stories in which the RWDS had a role

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Fact sheet.. The reality of violations to which wo ...

Within the project Justice for All - Trade and Sus ...

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Women's clubs -Bethlehem Government

Zatara, Wadi rahal, Wadi foukeen, Housan, Beit fajar, Al walajeh, Al khader

Women's clubs -Gaza Strip

Wade el Salqah , Kherbet al Adas, Beit lahya, Al Sawarha , Eshokeh, Al manara, Al moghraqa


To donate to the Rural Women Development Association, the following account number can be used:

Bank of Palestine, account number 2215614

Or by contacting us:

Tel: +972 02 2964585/6


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What does home base mean?

What does home base mean? Read more


Women's clubs -Hebron Government

Tarkomya, Suref, Kharas, Edna, Halhol, Beit Ola, Beit Kahel, Al samou, Al shyoukh, Al thahereya

Our Team

We are a group of dedicated people who are passionate about making the palestine a better place according to our own individual talents and capacity.



Haneen Zaidan

General Director

Lana Shehadeh

HR Officer

Rulla Sarras

Director of Fundraising and Development

Contact Us

We're committed to getting you the answers you need, when you need them, please contact us using this form below.


Masyoun, Ramallah, Palestine
Sabat Building, Edward Said St.

Call Us

+972 2 2964585/6
02 - 2964585/6

Email Us

Working Hours

Mo- Th: 9AM to 4PM
Sa: 9AM to 4PM