Our Strategic Objectives

Our Strategic Objectives

The strategic objectives of RWDS for the years 2019-2023

RWDS has completed its strategic plan for the years 2019-2023, in line with its mission and objectives.

RWDS was distinguished - and still is - by its rural feminist identity, as well as the presence of a rural feminist base represented by women's clubs and networks in the various northern and southern governorates of the country, and its focus in its fields of work on defending the rights of women and girls legally, economically, socially and politically, in addition to representing issues and rights Palestinian women in general, and rural women and girls in particular, with their rights, development and liberation dimensions at the various national, regional and international levels.

In this context, the association worked on preparing and developing its strategic plan for the years 2019-2023, which stems from the reality of women and girls in Palestinian society within a vision represented by "equality between women and men, girls and boys in the Palestinian countryside, in line with the Declaration of Independence and international agreements and standards," and with a message " We seek to create a feminist movement in the Palestinian countryside that is capable of demanding and developing women's social, economic and political rights" and its regulating values represented in "justice, bias towards the most marginalized and disadvantaged, equality, participation, transparency and accountability, volunteerism, credibility, stability and non-compromising".

As for the objectives of the association, it was represented by three goals:

1. Enhancing the level of justice and equality between men and women and reducing violence against women and girls in the Palestinian society.

2. Promoting economic justice for women and girls in the Palestinian countryside.

3. Improving the level of performance and efficiency of the association and raising the level of its representation and influence at the national, regional and international levels.

The work of RWDS is governed by a system of higher values that the association is committed to applying in its daily practices and strategic directions as leadership, management, employees, and employees, and they include:

Justice and bias towards the most marginalized and disadvantaged.

- equality.

- sharing.

- Transparency.


- Credibility.

- Force and non-compromising